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We need the depth to grow.

As humans we need to consume conversation and digest information. In other words, the richness of who we are, what we are to become and that which we can achieve is powerfully promoted by the ideas which we exchange with others. But modern society is threatening this, as we are pushed to the limits with an every expanding deluge of information and an increasing constraint on conversation.

What do I mean? Well as you may have noticed there is this helpful shift towards summaries and overviews where someone else is reading the books and providing us with a useful summary. I suppose this is essential in todays avalanche of information. But between this, and the ability of AI to generate both the summaries and the dialogue for us, we are no longer participating in the actual full richness of the conversation.

The consequence is that we are missing out on the ability to fully connect, consume and digest the full richness of what the world has to offer. The details and depth that helps us to reflect and grow, expanding our own minds and developing our own insights.

Absolutely! Here’s a rephrasing of the concept, along with some potential solutions:

The Problem: Our minds, like our bodies, need a balanced diet of information and ideas to thrive. The constant barrage of pre-packaged opinions and quick soundbites we often consume online robs us of the critical thinking skills and diverse perspectives essential for intellectual growth. This “information junk food” can be harmful on both an individual and societal level.

Possible Solutions:

  • Seek out diverse sources: Break out of your filter bubble. Explore news outlets with different viewpoints, follow thinkers who challenge your assumptions, and read long-form articles that delve into complex topics.
  • Slow down and think critically: Don’t just consume information passively. Question headlines, consider the source’s motivations, examine the evidence presented, and identify logical fallacies.
  • Engage in thoughtful conversations: Discuss ideas with people who think differently than you. Seek to understand their viewpoints rather than simply debate for victory. This type of dialogue strengthens your own ability to grapple with complex issues.
  • Support quality media: Subscribe to publications that prioritize in-depth journalism and analysis. Your support helps ensure this vital type of content remains viable.